Prof. Jing Zhou
Prof. Jing Zhou
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, CAS, China
Dr. Zhou is dedicated to the research of photonic structure enhanced high-performance infrared detection. By manipulating the light in-coupling efficiency, the local field polarization, and the light absorption competition through integrated photonic structures, the absorptance of the detection material is enhanced by several to ten times, and the ohmic loss is significantly suppressed. Anisotropic metamaterials with localized light modes that can be selectively excited depending on polarizations are integrated with anisotropic infrared detection materials. The subwavelength localization of light provides immunity against diffraction or scattering induced polarization contrast degradation. The polarization selective local mode excitation provides simultaneous polarization discrimination and light absorption enhancement. The double polarization selection from the anisotropic metamaterials and the anisotropic detection materials leads to high polarization extinction ratios. As a result, integrated infrared polarization detectors and focal plane arrays with polarization extinction ratios surpassing reported values by one order of magnitude are obtained. The achievements have been affirmed by many famous experts, including members of National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Danish Academy of Natural Sciences, and fellows of APS, OSA, IEEE, SPIE. Dr. Zhou has published 43 SCI papers, including the first-authored papers on Phys. Rev. Lett., Adv. Mater., Carbon, Adv. Opt. Mater., ACS Photonics, Nanoscale, and so on. In addition, he has published a book chapter: Chapter 11 Plasmonic Nanoresonators for Spectral Color Filters and Structural Colored Pigments, Plasmonics and Super-Resolution Imaging, Pan Stanford (2017) as the second author. Moreover, he has applied for 9 Chinese patents and 2 US patents. He has been awarded 8 projects as the principal investigator, including two talent projects: the Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Pujiang Talent Program of Shanghai. He serves as a reviewer for Optica, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Opt. Express and so on.